My approach...

Dear Parents,

Through my experience, it has become clear that many children benefit form extra support one to one or in smaller groups of 4 or 5.  They rebuild confidence by going over basic concepts that have been missed.  I locate the level of the child, re-enforce and consolidate their learning and then improve their level.

Each child has their own targets which are individually set.  I give regular assessments to ensure the targets have been met; stickers are used to motivate and praise.  Each child has individual attention during the hour with young children sitting next to me.

Lesson Content

I work closely with the National Curriculum, as a part time supply teacher am up to date with any new developments. I target key areas needed for Sats in year 2 and 6.  Most children need a solid basis of times tables, mental maths and the four operations, in maths before moving onto placing this knowledge into problem solving.  In Literacy children work on key words, and tricky phonics and move onto planning their writing in a variety of contexts and ensuring their comprehension is sound.

Booster Classes

I teach through most school holidays and run booster classes in the summer holidays where there are some excellent discounts.  Research shows that this is where most learning is lost.  It is also a good time to boost confidence for the new year group.


If children are working towards the secondary selection tests they will need to work their own pace initially, and then increase that pace by practising the likely questions and going over corrections, finally moving to times tests.  Practising exam technique to gain marks and minimise stress.

If children have lost confidence in an earlier year group, they learn by practical application and revision of key concepts which form the building blocks of understanding.  It has been my experience that when a child grasps some of the basics, their confidence increases across the board, in all areas.

Obviously some children learn quicker than others, but my advice would be to expect to commit your self to at least two terms of extra lessons to achieve a fundamental change.  By this time one would expect to see improvements at school as well.